Last week I was involved in helping to organise the Nick Clegg visit to Leeds to launch the AV campaign. The event was a success bar a couple of nutters, sorry Socialist Workers Party activists trying and failing to hijack the event.
Nick Clegg was right to say (before the election) thaty AV is a measly little compromise - STV would be far superior but that is not the choice, so why should I back AV?
Well basically it's a bit better than first past the post, it's a bit more proportional, making it harder for idiots such as Stewart Bell MP (for Middlesborough), who does bugger all for his constituents, to get re-elected. Basically it will bring into play well over 50 more seats that use to be considered "safe" leaving under half the commons in safe seats, for the first time since the khaki election.
But the best reason to vote to vote for AV is that it gives voters more choice, many people would like to express their votes in different ways, for example , many UKIP voters want the Tories to run the county, but want to express their opinion about Europe by voting for UKIP, under AV they could vote UKIP as number 1 and the Conservatives as number 2. Likewise many Lib Dems who vote Tory or Labour because of fear of the one of the big 2, can now vote Lib Dem 1 st knowing that they will not be contributing to victory for either Labour or the Tories.
AV isn't perfect but is better than FTTP, and it less likely to deliver a freak result. A couple of opinions polls before the last election put us ahead of both the other two parties, if that had been the reult, we probably would have still finished third in terms of seats, that surely is wrong.
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